Cancer and Leo Love Compatibility

You are a lively pair. Your match score is 60%.

Since Leo is a fire sign while Cancer is a water sign, you are incompatible as fire and water but will be a good match as long as you are willing to understand, learn and complement one another. The Leo is seemingly arrogant and authoritarian but actually as sensitive as the Cancer who is deep inside. Once you have a dispute, both of you will not yield for the sake of saving face and the Cancer will hold the grudge, so you will be in cold war for a few days. In addition, you should pay attention to the consensus of financial management concept: sometimes, the Cancer thinks Leo is too luxurious and often wastes money on impractical things; on the contrary, the Leo wonders why the Cancer is often annoyed by the things not happened yet.

Water Sign (Cancer) +Fire Sign (Leo)

Love relationship: People say fire and water are incompatible but it is not necessarily true. The fire sign would lose temper occasionally but the water sign can put it out with the constant low-key approach.

Friendship: Two friends, one fire sign and the other water, can be completely different in public. Probably only in private conversation can they find something in common.

Cancer Love in 2024

In 2024, the single Cancerians may take the initiative to participate in more social activities and make more contacts with new friends so that they can have the opportunity to meet new people and broaden their social circle, otherwise they will never be able to enjoy the sweetness of love. For those who have partners, their relationship may continue to get closer, and they may choose to get engaged or married. For those who are married, the family atmosphere will be great and their family life will be happy and fulfilling.
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Leo Love in 2024

In 2024, Leos will become very confident and generous. The single Leos can show their strong charm. No matter where they go, they will always shine in the crowd. They will be very popular with the opposite sex, and it will be quite easy for them to end their single status. Those who have partners can communicate with their partners frankly, and their relationship will progress very quickly. This year, they are expected to have their own small families. The married Leos may have new family members at their home.
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What are obstacles in love for Cancer

Consensus! The cancers are easy to give up if their love can’t get everyone's recognition, appreciation and support. As a group with conventional characteristic, any relationship which is despised by others will be a torment in their heart. And then they will wish to give it up.

What are obstacles in love for Leo

Arrogancy! Because of too much arrogancy, Leo are easy to miss their sweet love. Relatively speaking, if they can lower themselves a little, handle the scale of their arrogancy and be confident instead of inferiority, love relationship can go more smoothly.

What type of boy do the girls of Leo like?

Boys that the Leo girl like the most must be outstanding. She will not fall in love with the normal one. Her Mr. Right should have the same taste, interest and dream with her. And also, he should treat her like a queen. Complimenting her often, she will be happy with it and has a feeling of being loved. As for the outlook, the Leo girl don’t want the poor one. Their personalities can get closer gradually. But the boy must have a strong ability and nice taste.

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