Aries and Virgo Love Compatibility

You are a lively pair. Your match score is 60%.

Being bold and generous, the Aries may think they have nothing in common with the delicate and neurotic Virgo. With completely different conducting ways, you can hardly understand what the other is thinking about. Most of Virgo will not be interested in the impulsive, positive and aggressive Aries although Aries may be attracted by the careful and considerate Virgo; however, Aries can hardly understand why the Virgo always quibbles the unimportant details. You two have completely different characters and own the traits the other lack of, thus will have an exciting and nervous relationship; the compatibility, however, depends on the destiny! It requires certain miracle for you to maintain the long relationship.

Fire Sign (Aries) +Earth Sign (Virgo)

Love relationship: For this group, fire sign usually takes the initiative while earth sign is quite shy and passive at the beginning but pay more later.

Friendship: When it comes to friendship, a fire sign and an earth sign are just like a scholar and a soldier. However, the execution of fire sign and the patience of earth sign will be complementary and sometimes they can give each other a hand.

Aries Love in 2024

In 2024, Aries will be enthusiastic and passionate in their love and relationship life, and they will have a strong desire for sweet love. The single Aries may meet a particular crush. However, they should not rush to pursue, but give the crush enough space and time so as to get good results. For those who have dating partners, their relationship will become more mature and stable. The married Aries should notice that the two of them should work together to solve the problems rather than put the blame on each other when there are disputes or conflicts in their home. ...Read More

Virgo Love in 2024

In the aspect of relationship, those who have partners must fully understand their partner's ideas, and try to communicate and coordinate when things go wrong, and they should try not to argue and quarrel. The single Virgos, especially the older ones, may crazily urged by their parents to get married, and they also need to go to the blind date dinner very often, but it will still be difficult for them to meet the right one.  The married Virgos will have great differences in the education of their children, which will make their family in a mess. In the face of this situation, Virgos must solve the problem in a timely manner, rather than evade responsibility and ignore it.
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What are obstacles in love for Aries

Impulsion! Impulsion is devil. In many times, some words and actions of Aries don’t go through the brain’s thinking, which will hurt the closest person unconsciously. So if the Aries want sweet love, they should be calm and avoid impulsion. It really works!

What are obstacles in love for Virgo

Mysophobia! The Virgo have a strong mysophobia mentally. They will be rejective by the light of nature if they find their lover has an ex. But only if dating with the one who is ignorant with affairs, you can be the first love of him/her. Otherwise others actually had love experiences ever more or less.

What type of boy do the girls of Virgo like?

The Virgo girl have strong Mysophobia. So, you must keep yourself clean, dress decently and have good manners in order to impress her. Even though you do well in your appearance, she will also check your house and life habit sometimes. If you’re too messy, she will be dissatisfied about you in her heart. If you’re a casual person, you should change your health habit before chasing the Virgo girl. In addition, they will not refuse handsome boys.

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