Capricorn and Aries Love Compatibility

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Since Aries is a fire sign while Capricorn is an earth sign, you two generally have nothing in common; The Aries is impulsive, aggressive and showing off while Capricorn is quiet, calm and low-key. Due to the great difference in character, you can quickly play well with one another and will not interfere with each other most of the times. Being vigorous and confident, Aries will be attractive to the Capricorn at the very beginning. However, you need to make great efforts to maintain the good relationship because of the strong personality.

Earth Sign (Capricorn) +Fire Sign (Aries)

Love relationship: For this group, fire sign usually takes the initiative while earth sign is quite shy and passive at the beginning but pay more later.

Friendship: When it comes to friendship, a fire sign and an earth sign are just like a scholar and a soldier. However, the execution of fire sign and the patience of earth sign will be complementary and sometimes they can give each other a hand.

Capricorn Love in 2024

In the aspect of love and relationship, the married Capricorns should understand mutually, be frank and sincere to the partners, and be more patient when dealing with problems rather than have arguments or conflicts with their partners so as not to aggravate each other's contradictions. For the single Capricorns, they can consider the development of new relationships, because there will be a lot of chances to date the high-quality partners around them. As long as they become more proactive, it will not be a big problem to end their single status.
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Aries Love in 2024

In 2024, Aries will be enthusiastic and passionate in their love and relationship life, and they will have a strong desire for sweet love. The single Aries may meet a particular crush. However, they should not rush to pursue, but give the crush enough space and time so as to get good results. For those who have dating partners, their relationship will become more mature and stable. The married Aries should notice that the two of them should work together to solve the problems rather than put the blame on each other when there are disputes or conflicts in their home. ...Read More

What are obstacles in love for Capricorn

Family! The Capricorn will not go on if their family object to their relationship. They will let go no matter how deeply they fall in love. But in this way, it means they give up their right to live a sweet and happy family life. So the Capricorn should look before they leap for this.

What are obstacles in love for Aries

Impulsion! Impulsion is devil. In many times, some words and actions of Aries don’t go through the brain’s thinking, which will hurt the closest person unconsciously. So if the Aries want sweet love, they should be calm and avoid impulsion. It really works!

What type of boy do the girls of Aries like?

The Aries girl have a high requirement for boys. They will not look at the boy who is normal, having general ability and outlook in a popular style. You must have superior outlook, strong stature, decent behavior, outgoing personality and being generous. All of these merits combined, she will take a second look at you in the crowd. Boys whom the Aries girl like are sure to be male deity that everyone adores. You may just encounter that kind of boy rather than become his girlfriend.

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