Sagittarius and Capricorn Love Compatibility

You are a lively pair. Your match score is 60%.

You are a couple with a lot of troubles because of the varied concepts. If you want to maintain the long relationship, you should understand and learn from one another first to complement each other. You tend to fall in love like this: when the Sagittarius has work or financial problems and cannot relax, he/she find the stable and honest Capricorn can offer a lot of spiritual and practical help, so the Sagittarius says yes to him/her who has loved the Sagittarius for a long time. Influenced by the energetic and optimistic attitude of Sagittarius, the Capricorn will find life is not as gloomy as imaged and wants to pursue happiness, thus attracted by the Sagittarius. After starting the relationship, however, you will find it hard to communicate and can hardly live together unless the Sagittarius settles down and the Capricorn can be flexible.

Fire Sign (Sagittarius) +Earth Sign (Capricorn)

Love relationship: For this group, fire sign usually takes the initiative while earth sign is quite shy and passive at the beginning but pay more later.

Friendship: When it comes to friendship, a fire sign and an earth sign are just like a scholar and a soldier. However, the execution of fire sign and the patience of earth sign will be complementary and sometimes they can give each other a hand.

Sagittarius Love in 2024

In love and relationship, Sagittarians should analyze the situations on a case-by-case basis in 2024. The single ones will have a lot of romantic encounters around them, but it will be a mixed of both good and bad. So, they should distinguish carefully so as to have a sweet love life. Those with dating partners will not have a stable relationship, with more conflicts and disputes, so the probability of breaking up will be very high. The married Sagittarians will have plenty of romantic affairs in 2024, they may cheat on their partners, and their family life will be critical. So, Sagittarians should be wary of the romantic affairs trap.
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Capricorn Love in 2024

In the aspect of love and relationship, the married Capricorns should understand mutually, be frank and sincere to the partners, and be more patient when dealing with problems rather than have arguments or conflicts with their partners so as not to aggravate each other's contradictions. For the single Capricorns, they can consider the development of new relationships, because there will be a lot of chances to date the high-quality partners around them. As long as they become more proactive, it will not be a big problem to end their single status.
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What are obstacles in love for Sagittarius

Temptation! Anyone who is charming will make the Sagittarius change about. Facing all kinds of seductive opposite sex, actually they don’t know how to refuse others. So the crux of relationship lies here. The Sagittarius will be sure to get hooked if anyone flirts with them.

What are obstacles in love for Capricorn

Family! The Capricorn will not go on if their family object to their relationship. They will let go no matter how deeply they fall in love. But in this way, it means they give up their right to live a sweet and happy family life. So the Capricorn should look before they leap for this.

What type of boy do the girls of Capricorn like?

Although the Capricorn girl have their own mind, they are delicate in fact. They will become strong when encountering weak boys. While they will be an innocent girl in front of strong boys. If you like the Capricorn girl, you have to build up your sense of responsibility. Facing anything, you have to help make decisions for her. The Capricorn girl don’t regard appearance and stature as important. Instead, clever brain and flexible mind can get their interests and impress them.

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