Taurus and Pisces Love Compatibility

You are a lively pair. Your match score is 80%.

Your love is accumulated bit by bit and the longer you get along, the more you will find each other's advantages. The Taurus is always not romantic but can take care of Pisces in many details while the sacrificing spirit of Pisces deeply moves Taurus. When you are dead set on each other, however, the Pisces will feel that Taurus is very possessive and are surrounded his/her love; the Pisces likes this and enjoys the feeling very much.

Earth Sign (Taurus) +Water Sign (Pisces)

Love relationship: Earth sign is too realistic while water sign is too romantic and unreal, thus unavoidably suspicious of each other. Fortunately, neither of them is short-tempered and they won't quarrel so easily.

Friendship: The sensitive water sign has more feelings and always has too much to vent about; an earth sign friend can be the best listener.

Taurus Love in 2024

In terms of relationship, the fortune of Taurus will be extreme in 2024, depending on the state of their relationships. Those who have partners may have disagreements and disputes with their partners over trivial things, or even have a third partner involved in their relationship. For the married, their relationship will be more passionate and romantic; they will date and travel together on special holidays, or give gifts, so their family atmosphere will be still very good, and the couple may also have the new babies. The single Taurus will be very lucky in relationship, but affairs may also be in the midst. So, they must keep an acute eyesight and distinguish the relationships.
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Pisces Love in 2024

In the aspect of love and relationship, the year 2024 may not be very friendly for Pisces because most of them will not have a good time and will encounter some annoying things. The single Pisces will be frantically urged by their parents to get married, but there will be no suitable partners around them, so some of them will even have the idea of getting married just for the sake of getting married. They should not settle for love and relationship. Those with partners will be prone to differences due to the money issues, especially the Pisces at the stage of engagement and preposing marriage,
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What are obstacles in love for Taurus

Mean! You should be more generous to the money if you want a feeling of sweet love. Of course it’s not splashing the money. Instead, you should enjoy the sweet feeling of affair which money brings you within the limits of your affordability. All in all, don’t be too mean when you’re dating.

What are obstacles in love for Pisces

Hesitation! Hesitation is the obstacle of the Pisces in their path of happiness. Because they are always hesitated when choosing, it’s easy for them to give a nice person to others. So, thinking for their own happiness, they should be more initiative and brave.

What type of boy do the girls of Pisces like?

The Pisces girl have too many dreams. The boys they like don’t need to be pretty clever but need to love her wholeheartedly and are not changeable. Also, they don’t ask boys to be quite handsome and rich. It will be totally fine if he can dress up himself and work hard to make money for her. They don’t ask others to have strong ability. But he must have the desire to advance. All in all, boys whom the Pisces girl like can be normal in everything, however, he has to make himself stronger and better for her.

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