Sagittarius and Taurus Love Compatibility

You are a lively pair. Your match score is 60%.

The stubborn Taurus and the open and free Sagittarius is totally different with each other: you have no common trait but varied nature, thus difficult to be together and need to make great efforts to maintain the relationship. If you choose to start a relationship, you should be sure to know each other very well first because you are more likely to change the friendship into love. In nature, you two are different: the Taurus is introverted, quiet, and practical while Sagittarius is extroverted, active and impractical; The Taurus is family-oriented while Sagittarius doesn't like to stay at home. Since you are so different, you will be unhappy if you force each other to obey your lifestyle.

Fire Sign (Sagittarius) +Earth Sign (Taurus)

Love relationship: For this group, fire sign usually takes the initiative while earth sign is quite shy and passive at the beginning but pay more later.

Friendship: When it comes to friendship, a fire sign and an earth sign are just like a scholar and a soldier. However, the execution of fire sign and the patience of earth sign will be complementary and sometimes they can give each other a hand.

Sagittarius Love in 2024

In love and relationship, Sagittarians should analyze the situations on a case-by-case basis in 2024. The single ones will have a lot of romantic encounters around them, but it will be a mixed of both good and bad. So, they should distinguish carefully so as to have a sweet love life. Those with dating partners will not have a stable relationship, with more conflicts and disputes, so the probability of breaking up will be very high. The married Sagittarians will have plenty of romantic affairs in 2024, they may cheat on their partners, and their family life will be critical. So, Sagittarians should be wary of the romantic affairs trap.
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Taurus Love in 2024

In terms of relationship, the fortune of Taurus will be extreme in 2024, depending on the state of their relationships. Those who have partners may have disagreements and disputes with their partners over trivial things, or even have a third partner involved in their relationship. For the married, their relationship will be more passionate and romantic; they will date and travel together on special holidays, or give gifts, so their family atmosphere will be still very good, and the couple may also have the new babies. The single Taurus will be very lucky in relationship, but affairs may also be in the midst. So, they must keep an acute eyesight and distinguish the relationships.
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What are obstacles in love for Sagittarius

Temptation! Anyone who is charming will make the Sagittarius change about. Facing all kinds of seductive opposite sex, actually they don’t know how to refuse others. So the crux of relationship lies here. The Sagittarius will be sure to get hooked if anyone flirts with them.

What are obstacles in love for Taurus

Mean! You should be more generous to the money if you want a feeling of sweet love. Of course it’s not splashing the money. Instead, you should enjoy the sweet feeling of affair which money brings you within the limits of your affordability. All in all, don’t be too mean when you’re dating.

What type of boy do the girls of Taurus like?

The Taurus girl have a high requirement in material. So she will not consider boys without certain economic base. Besides, boys should have an independent personality. Because the Taurus girl don’t like boys who are weak, wishy-washy and ask her about everything. The one who is independent, having his own thought and opinion, realizing the goal of life by his own hard-working is the kind that Taurus girl like and adore.

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