Virgo and Virgo Love Compatibility

You are a wonderful pair. Your match score is 100%.

With similar personality traits, you understand each other but may have a lot of troubles after getting along for a long time since both of you are overly idealistic, practical and picky. You will not fall in love at first sight but understand each other for a long time before starting the relationship. What's more, neither of you take the initiative but wait for the other to express, just like a seesaw battle. On the bright side, both of you are rational and tend to serve others, so you will get along well as long as you don't mind too much but are willing to pay for each other. You Virgo people love to learn and will set a goal to achieve together, thus a couple mutually promoting.

Earth Sign (Virgo) +Earth Sign (Virgo)

Love relationship: Both are infatuated earth signs and could probably make it longer since no one ask for something high-sounding.

Friendship: Both are serious and they may have no sense of humor but absolute tacit understanding; they can help each other when most needed.

Virgo Love in 2024

In the aspect of relationship, those who have partners must fully understand their partner's ideas, and try to communicate and coordinate when things go wrong, and they should try not to argue and quarrel. The single Virgos, especially the older ones, may crazily urged by their parents to get married, and they also need to go to the blind date dinner very often, but it will still be difficult for them to meet the right one.  The married Virgos will have great differences in the education of their children, which will make their family in a mess. In the face of this situation, Virgos must solve the problem in a timely manner, rather than evade responsibility and ignore it.
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What are obstacles in love for Virgo

Mysophobia! The Virgo have a strong mysophobia mentally. They will be rejective by the light of nature if they find their lover has an ex. But only if dating with the one who is ignorant with affairs, you can be the first love of him/her. Otherwise others actually had love experiences ever more or less.

What type of boy do the girls of Virgo like?

The Virgo girl have strong Mysophobia. So, you must keep yourself clean, dress decently and have good manners in order to impress her. Even though you do well in your appearance, she will also check your house and life habit sometimes. If you’re too messy, she will be dissatisfied about you in her heart. If you’re a casual person, you should change your health habit before chasing the Virgo girl. In addition, they will not refuse handsome boys.

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