Sagittarius and Scorpio Love Compatibility

You are a lively pair. Your match score is 60%.

With opposite personality, you can hardly stay with one another. The Sagittarius who loves freedom cannot bear Scorpio's possessiveness while the Scorpio can hardly control the outgoing and active Sagittarius no matter how much the Scorpio love him/her; the more high-handed measures the Scorpio take, the faster the Sagittarius leaves. The Sagittarius will feel stressed on Scorpio’s hysterical passion and cannot understand why he/she tells nothing to themselves. Since the Sagittarius is very frank, you cannot really understand Scorpio's heart. If you two get married, the Scorpio should manage money matters to maintain the interest relationship.

Fire Sign (Sagittarius) +Water Sign (Scorpio)

Love relationship: People say fire and water are incompatible but it is not necessarily true. The fire sign would lose temper occasionally but the water sign can put it out with the constant low-key approach.

Friendship: Two friends, one fire sign and the other water, can be completely different in public. Probably only in private conversation can they find something in common.

Sagittarius Love in 2024

In love and relationship, Sagittarians should analyze the situations on a case-by-case basis in 2024. The single ones will have a lot of romantic encounters around them, but it will be a mixed of both good and bad. So, they should distinguish carefully so as to have a sweet love life. Those with dating partners will not have a stable relationship, with more conflicts and disputes, so the probability of breaking up will be very high. The married Sagittarians will have plenty of romantic affairs in 2024, they may cheat on their partners, and their family life will be critical. So, Sagittarians should be wary of the romantic affairs trap.
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Scorpio Love in 2024

In the aspect of relationship, the single Scorpios can embrace a significant turning point and have a pretty good luck in 202. For blind dating and matchmaking, they will no longer reject psychologically, and they can actively take the initiative to participate in dating activities, and the chance of ending the single status will be very high in the end. Those who have a partner will have a very stable relationship. The married couples will have a particularly stable relationship with their spouses; despite of the occasional quarrels and disputes, the couples will solve the problems through harmonious communication.
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What are obstacles in love for Sagittarius

Temptation! Anyone who is charming will make the Sagittarius change about. Facing all kinds of seductive opposite sex, actually they don’t know how to refuse others. So the crux of relationship lies here. The Sagittarius will be sure to get hooked if anyone flirts with them.

What are obstacles in love for Scorpio

Work! Work is striving for the Scorpio’s favour with their lover! If the Scorpio want their relationship to be sweeter, they have to spare some time from working. Otherwise, it’s quite easy to forget the importance of love gradually and to make the relationship have a bad ending while burying themselves in work.

What type of boy do the girls of Scorpio like?

Although the Scorpio girl are very pretty and have nice stature, But they don’t use their brain well. They are easy to fall in love with boys who are handsome and good at compliment and sugared words. But actually, the boys have no capability and are cowards. The Scorpio girl are easily enchanted by boys’ gorgeous external and ignore their empty internal. The Scorpio girl are easy to be cheated and betrayed by others in a relationship. They have a really bad eye for people.

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